Tools & Methods
User Experience, UX Architecture, Workshop
The process I (normally) follow
My approach is based on the design thinking methodology - a human centred framework to tackle complex and ill-defined problems.
1. Discover
The discover phase is about setting aside previous assumptions and get unbiased insights on users and needs by empathising with people involved in the project and understand their motivations and experiences. By the end of the phase, the problem should be defined.
→ Learn and collect information → Study competition → Adjust the process steps to time → Develop/Review Requirements
2. Ideate
The ideation phase is about generating ideas and start shaping solutions.
→ Brainstorming → Working sessions → Explore ideas/concepts
3. Evolve
With the previous work done, the Evolve phase is where ideas consolidate and translate into solutions. Depending on the type of project, there are multiple ways of capturing the ideation outcomes.
→ Information Architecture → Sketches, Wireframes, Prototypes → Users journeys → Interaction patterns
4. Iterate
The results obtained in this phase are used to redefine the problem and understand how users behave, think, feel and empathise with the experience.
→ Implementation follow up → Test and review → Adapt to change → Again, Test and review
Deliverables vary with each project: from a sketch on a piece of paper to a high-res wireframe.
User Research
→ Contextual Inquiry → Personas → Scenarios → Use cases → Usability testing surveys → Competitive assessment
→ AB Testing → Usability testing→ Contextual interviews → Heuristic evaluation
Information Architecture
→ Workshop leading → Interaction patterns → Blueprints → Affinity Diagrams → Task Analysis → Personas → Content Inventory
User Experience
Journey mapping → UI Guidelines → Prototyping → Hi-res Wireframes
Software I like to use
Omnigraffle, Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Axure, Omniplan, Visio, Html/CSS